I'm working on a waldorf doll for a lady who is putting it in her daughters Easter basket and she requested some pink and green strands of wool in her hair (which will be blonde). I didn't have any pink or green mohair on hand and finding those colors would have necessitated a long trip to a more upscale yarn shop (and more expense). So I thought "why not spin my own?!" I had purchased some mohair so I put that through the drum carder and spun it up...that is the green skein. The pink skein is a sample of Pygora that Allison from Great Lakes Pygora sent me...more about that later! ;) It spun up very smooth and was easy to work with. Out came the Kool-aid....Lemon-Lime for the green and Pink Lemonade for the Pygora.

These are the clothes- the hair color will match the dress colors pretty well I think!

I'm excited to put her all together and see how she turns out with the color in her hair...I'm sure she'll be cute! The doll will be assembled in the next two days in order to go out in Friday's mail.
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