This is a new face! Her name is Snickers and she has been living at our house for less than two weeks. She came to us full of kittens! She is a tiny wee kitty and is a sweetheart.
Johnathan Rand posts photos to his blog so we parents out of contact with our kids can see what they are up to! I hope he realizes how much that means.....I think I will tell him.
Here we are checking in...
A small breakout session
I can't wait to hear what the story behind the pack goat is!
They read their writing around the camp fire in the evening.
It is called "fire reading".
Morning exercise.
Making friends.
Corinne and Lila....bunk mates!
This is where I left our junior writer this morning.....at camp Wolverine to attend Author Quest! She was so excited and a little nervous and quiet too. First time away from home for four days!
Camp Wolverine is a retired DNR fish hatchery from 50 years back and there are old raceways filled with aquatic inverts, huge birch and white pine and lots of old buildings to explore. It will be a magical time.
It was crazy with the 60 registered kids, counselors, and family members. I got her settled in her dorm bunk and she was busy making a name tag for herself when I left. There were some fun girls bunking next to her and they dubbed that corner of the room "friends corner" so no doubt she will be in good hands. That didn't stop my eyes from leaking when I got to the car though....and I already miss her fiercely.
We have a visitor this weekend....a barred owl that was hit by a vehicle on M77 north of Blaney Park. It has suffered some head damage; the left eye is swollen shut and the beak partially broken near the top. It sat on the road for a couple of days before someone called the office to report it. It is drinking water and eating a little bit. Today it will go to a rehabilitator for assessment.
Yesterday was a nice warm sunny day; lots of flies out. As I was giving out visitor a drink I noticed flies on the would and shooed them away....and saw they had been laying eggs on the feathers near the eye. I like maggots just fine in their place, but I hat when they are on live animals! Eeesh. So I had to clip away the feathers from the wound to get rid of the eggs and some of the bloody mess. Puir wee thing.
It is definitely more perky today so I think the owl and the rehabber have a decent chance of success, depending on that beak injury. It would be difficult for an owl to survive if it couldn't use it's beak for ripping and shredding...maybe some sort of epoxy might work?