Thursday we took a side trip on the way downstate to visit the Great Lakes Pygora goat farm. That morning all the goats were to be shorn, but Allison graciously left Tea in fiber so we could see what her coat looked like.
Poor was 85 degrees and she had on this warm silky coat and she still hadn't had her goatlings yet. She looked fat, uncomfortable and miserable but she let us scratch her head anyway... a little bit.
There were all of these cute little things bouncing around and climbing on their mothers....
Aren't they just adorable????
The boys thought they were fun to pat, but they kept calling them lambs.
This blue eyed bottle fed Nigerian dwarf stole the show and thier hearts...she was super friendly.
"Hey, don't just sit there girly! Give me some pats!!!"
What I didn't know was how far West Olive is from the Eastern Upper Peninsula. I thought we'd be there in about 5 or 6 hours. No. Make that EIGHT hours. Allison was very gracious about us being late.