Shop at Spinner's End Farm

Monday, October 5, 2015


Meet "Lourre" (pronounced lore-ay). She is a Shetland-Cormo cross and is sister to our Daisy. (That is NOT our grass; I wish it WAS our grass).

She came to live with us this summer. She is a big girl it's a big luscious fleece! (Photos courtesy of Karen Valley).

Here she is with her mum, and two sisters; Daisy is the white lamb and Lourre the one it's the adorable dark spot on her nose.

And here is herself as a wee lamb. She knows she is important. Photos courtesy of S. Rouse.




  1. She is very nice. Good to see a post. How are the alpacas? Is Fall closing in on your area?

    1. Alpacas are good.....will be moved home from their summer pasture soon as fall is definitely here! We like to give them the extra time to run in a big space for as long as possible. :)

  2. Yeah, a new post! Keep them coming! I love to read about your life on a farm, you're sort of living the life I'd like to settle for when we get tired of traveling.
    Now about Lourre in the last picture, how many ears did the poor girl have? ;-) Gorgeous fleece though!

    1. Hee hee....looks like at least two pairs! :). Now THAT would be interesting! Thanks Brigitta (or James)!

  3. I've missed your interesting posts. Glad to hear from you.

  4. I'm late. Sheep are such beautiful creatures, I'd love to have kept some but was always put-off by all the dipping, drenching, etc.

  5. I just found this blog and I am so happy. I also have a fiber farm and love everything fiber related. Is Lourre's mom a Shetland? I have both Cormo and Shetland ewes. I am considering getting a Cormo ram. So, I am investigating how well Shetland ewes handle the breeding, birthing and carrying for the Cormo-Shetland offspring.
